The Singular Tale of Nilufer | A Journey of Self-Discovery

The Singular Tale of Nilufer | A Journey of Self-Discovery

She was sitting there, feeling shy and hesitant while wearing a red dress, while I was staring at the empty canvas of the wall.

At that time, the sun was scorching and flames were raging everywhere due to the intensity of the heat. People were avoiding going outside and sitting inside their homes with closed doors and windows. In such circumstances, experiencing a power outage was no less than a punishment. Those who had generators and UPS facilities in their homes were at ease, while the unfortunate ones who were deprived of this blessing were suffering from the heat.

I was busy managing my work, while the maid Naziran was cleaning. My children had gone to school and my husband had already left for the office, which is why I was alone at home.

Baji, did you hear anything?" I was placing the rice on the stove for biryani when I heard Naziran's voice on my back, which startled me.

What? Will you tell me? You scared me," I turned around and started adding salt to the rice.

"There is a woman who has shifted into the flat in front of you," she said, leaving the conversation incomplete and curious.

"I know, then...what happened to her?" I replied nonchalantly, not finding her words interesting, but just listening to her.

"Oh, Baji, she's a crazy woman, somewhat strange," she widened her eyes and spread suspicion once again.

"She doesn't talk to anyone and doesn't socialize," she continued. "She shifted here just two days ago and doesn't know anyone. And then some people prefer loneliness and do not like meeting or interacting with others. She must be helpless, and now you've started calling her crazy."

I looked at her with sympathy and started making lemonade for the children while enduring the heat and listening to Nazira's ramblings.

"No, Baji, I'm not telling you this from my side," she said. "They are Farid Bhai and his wife, who I also do embroidery work for. They were saying the same thing that this woman is somewhat strange. I thought it was essential to tell you since she lives right in front of you, and you have children with you, and mostly you're alone at home," she frightened me again.

"Oh, Nazira, it seems you're feeling hot. Come on, let's have some lemonade," I offered a glass of lemonade to her, and she took it from my hand and emptied it in one breath.

I smiled at Nazira's words and went inside to put the biryani on low heat, as the children were about to arrive. I quickly prepared the salad, and soon enough, the children arrived. "Assalamu Alaikum, Ammi," Shaza and Ian greeted me loudly.

"Wa Alaikum Assalam, beta. Come, change your clothes quickly and have some juice before I serve the food," I said, heading to the kitchen to get the plates ready. Both children changed their clothes, washed their hands, and sat at the table.

"Ammi, is the auntie in the flat opposite ours crazy?" Ian asked me.

"Who told you that, beta?" I asked him while holding the plate of biryani.

"All the children in our building are saying it," he replied.

"They must have said it loudly," I said, placing the plate on the table.

"They said she talks to herself all the time," he said loudly.

"No, beta, don't listen to them. She is living alone, and she doesn't know anyone yet. So, how can she talk to anyone?" I corrected the children's misunderstanding.

"Then why don't you go and talk to her, Ammi?" Shaza advised me.

"She is alone, and you should talk to her," Shaza suggested.

"Yes, I will go to her house. But let me give you this plate of biryani first," I said, confirming with Shaza.

"Yes, Ammi, that's a good idea. You will get to know her, and you're alone most of the time too. So, you should talk to her," twelve-year-old Shaza said, taking charge of the situation.

"She said she's just arrived," I said, turning my plate and heading to the kitchen. Once there, I took out a large plate and filled it with biryani, covering it with a lid before heading toward the flat. Standing at the door, I paused, trying to listen to the voices inside. It seemed like the woman was talking to someone on the phone, as I couldn't hear any other sounds. I hesitated for a moment before lightly tapping on the door, but there was no response. After waiting a while, I heard footsteps approaching, so I stopped. The door opened, and the woman, who looked around forty years old, was standing in front of me. Her messy hair and dirty clothes made me feel strange, wondering if I had made a mistake by coming here. But since I had already come, I felt like I should at least talk to her.

The woman was still talking on the phone and looking at me with questioning eyes as if she wanted to know my purpose for coming. Her eyes were disapproving, as if I was an intrusion in her existence. I greeted her while pointing to the biryani plate.

"I live in the flat in front of you, so I thought I would come and meet you." I introduced myself, and for the first time, she smiled at me.

"So my suspicions were unfounded," she said, still smiling. But the phone was still attached to her ear, and she continued to talk while laughing. She opened the door and invited me in.

"It's a pleasure to meet you. Come on in." Her tone suggested that she was an educated and cultured woman. I cursed those who had spoken ill of her in my mind, feeling that she was such a good and ethical person, so clean and clear-minded.

Quickly, I spoke up.

"I cannot come back now, but I will definitely come back later. The children are alone at home right now. Upon hearing this, I turned back. The children started asking me questions as soon as I came back. 'How is that auntie you met? Did you invite her to our house?' 'Yes, my dear. She is very nice. I wanted to invite her to our house, but I didn't have the time. I will definitely go see her someday, God willing.' Saying this, I quickly got back to setting the table.

A week later, I was walking with some groceries when I saw that same woman talking on the phone, a few steps ahead of me. She had some food and drinks in her hands. I overheard her saying, 'When will you all arrive?' 'Okay, don't lie down like last time. I'll wait for you at 8 o'clock.' After hearing some more conversation from the other side, she asked, 'What should I make for food?' 'Biryani and custard for dessert. Okay, I'll see you soon.' She then laughed and said, 'Yes, Daddy, I'll wear my Redcliffe suit.' I was walking behind her, so I heard the whole conversation clearly.

She hung up and I said goodbye to her. She looked at me in surprise and recognition flickered in her eyes."

"Assalam-o-Alaikum, are you the one I am speaking with?" He responded with great enthusiasm to my greeting.

"Yes, I am. It seems that guests are coming to your house today?" I asked cheerfully.

"Yes, actually my fiancée and her mother are coming to my house to finalize the wedding date. As my wedding is next month, I have to do everything alone because I am living alone," she replied shyly.

"On mentioning the wedding, her face lit up with happiness. Oh, that's great news. If you need any help, don't hesitate to ask. I would be happy to assist you," I said joyfully. "I am really happy that my loneliness will end."

"Yes, please come to my house. I will introduce you to them," she extended an invitation to me, which I accepted politely. I proceeded to climb the stairs with a smile on my face, while her voice continued to speak from the phone, and I entered the apartment. Soon after, my husband arrived."

I sought their permission to leave after informing them of everything, which they happily granted. It was 8 o'clock, so I quickly started to set the table and give food to the children and my husband before getting ready myself. I put on a nice cotton suit and did light makeup, then took a deep breath and bid farewell to my husband as I left the flat.

The door of the adjacent flat was unexpectedly closed, but I could hear laughter coming from inside. Maybe guests had arrived, or someone was talking on the phone. I hesitated for a moment, then lightly knocked on the door. After a few seconds, I heard footsteps and the door opened. From head to toe, I took in the appearance of the person standing in front of me. She was wearing a red dress as promised, and had very heavy makeup on, looking quite happy. 'Oh wow, you look great today!' I complimented her openly, and she blushed and thanked me, then showed me the way inside.

'Are the guests here for you?' I asked eagerly as we walked inside.

'Yes, come with me to the drawing-room, I'll introduce you.' She smiled and led me to the drawing room.

No one was present in the drawing room, and I thought maybe they were in another room. I sat down hesitantly, thinking about what to say, but the flat was unexpectedly quiet. It seemed like there was no one else there."

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